The music ministry plays an essential part in worship. We are admonished to come into His presence with singing. This ministry includes several church choirs, praise and de-votional leaders who will be group which will perform on special occasions.
Mass: |
Tuesdays before 1st/4th Sundays |
Inspirational: |
Tuesdays before 1st/2nd Sundays |
Youth: |
Wednesdays before 3rd/4th Sundays |
Male: |
Thursdays before 2nd/3rd Sundays |
Praise Team: |
Thursdays before 4th Sunday |
Ministry Leader: Bro. Charlie Chapman
Single Ministry is a way for the church to provide a support network for new visions, strategies, goal and personal worth, focused on God, for the adult person who has never married or who is divorced or widowed. The couple's ministry sole purpose is to organize functions that would enhance and enrich marriage at the church. This ministry also focuses on a program that would adequately prepared engaged couples for a life-time of marriage. (Meets Tuesday before the 1st/3rd Sunday.)
Ministry Leader: Pastor Marek Walker
Cherry Grove Evangelism Ministry is designed to train, and equip believers to comfortably
and confidently proclaim the Good News and the Word of God in words and action without
fear, to save the lost and develop strategies to mobilize the church to reach our community.
Ministry Leader: Pastor Marek Walker
- Grow in Knowledge of the Word of God through study lessons provided by the National Baptist Convention that the Gospel can be evangelized.
- Engage in mission work to help members of the church, community, and city with repairs, food, clothing, prayers, and support to serve those in need.
- Encourage and mentor boys and young adult men that can be trained to carry out the work of God's Kingdom.
Ministry Leader: Rev. Henry Armstrong
This ministry is to create an atmosphere where both members and guests will feel
accepted in the fellowship and to do whatever is necessary to enhance each person's
worship experience. Greet members and guests with a smile as they enter. The committee
will assist during weddings and special functions when requested.
Ministry Leader: Sis. Nellie Hayes
Regulate the operation of the kitchen and dining area in accordance with the church
policies of operation. Coordinate efforts in preparing food for funeral and other church
functions as needed.
Ministry Leader: Sis. Paula Woods
This ministry is designed to be a comprehensive program of youth education. This
ministry's concern is to minister to youth in light of their physical, spiritual and social needs. The effort of this ministry will be to make the church attractive to youth, without ignoring the standards of Christ. This ministry is designed to address the unique needs to youth in this present day. The fourth Sunday in each month will serve as Youth Sunday. This ministry meets Saturday before the 4th Sundays.
Ministry Leader: Sis. Christine Hayes
These very special people serve as door keepers and are the first people to greet in-coming worshippers. They help the worship service by making people comfortable and assisting them with any other needs they may have. Whereas, the pastor cannot greet everyone who comes in, the ushers can. As doorkeepers in the house of the Lord, the ushers can leave a lasting impression of cordially on the part of the entire church or an impression of unfriendliness.
(Ushers meet Thursday before the 1st Sun. at 7:00 p.m. Youth Ushers - Satur-days before the 2nd Sun. at 10:00 a.m.)
Ministry Leader: Sis. Ailleen Proctor
- Grow in Knowledge of the Word of God through study lessons provided by National Baptist Convention that the Gospel can be evangelized.
- Engage and seek ways to help members of the church, community, and city with food, clothing, counseling, prayer, and support to serve those in need.
- Encourage and mentor girls and young adult women that can be trained to carry on the work of God's Kingdom.
Ministry Leader: Sis. Joan Black
Engage, educate, and equip members in the word of God, church etiquette, and in Baptist doctrine and policy.
Ministry Leader: Sis. Edna Dent
This committee will be led be the Director of Special Activities/Recreation Ministry. Serve in planning, conducting and evaluating a program of recreation for church members. Provide oversight of the annual church picnic and other outdoor functions.
Assist the Healthcare and Public Awareness Ministry.
Ministry Leader: Bro. Clarence & Sis. Jetaun P. Cotten
The L.O.V. Ministry desire is to reach and unite all women within the love of Christ. L.O.V
ministry functions to elevate, educate, and empower women through the word of God in righteous,
relevant, and relational ways to be better wives, mothers, and sisters in Christ.
Ministry Leader: First Lady Michelle Walker
The purpose of the Aerobic Ministry is to teach, motivate and encourage the physical
fitness of the Body, Mind and Spirit for CGMB Church, friends, family and community, through safe and effective activities and it's free. Tuesdays at 5:45 p.m.
This is a group of members that have a special concern for the needs of the pastor. Though the church is primary in the support of the pastor's material well being, this group seeks of their own free will to provide additional love and support, especially on specially on special occasions. It is supported solely by personal gifts from
members in the church. This ministry meets Thursdays before 3rd Sunday at 6:30 p. m.
Ministry Leader: Bro. Larry Green
The mission of the Care Ministry to care for new members by generating an atmosphere of welcome and acceptance through follow-up, mentoring and fellowship. Periodically, some type
of gathering may be held with light food served to warmly welcome these newcomers to the fellowship. Care Ministry lifts prayers to God on behalf of the church, is members and their concerns. Meets once a month.
Ministry Leader: Sis. Audrey Samuels
The Public Relations Ministry is responsible for developing and providing internal communications to the church at large, and external communications to the public concerning activities in and around Cherry Grove Church. Because of the nature of this ministry, it will work in conjunction with other ministries to accomplish its goals.
Ministry Leader: Sis. Lizz Ducksworth
- Encourage men in Relevant, Rational, and Righteous ways to be better husbands, fathers, men, and leaders.
- Empower men to serve as a support ministry to the vision of God.
Ministry Leader: Bro. Gregory Hayes, Sr.
Engage, educate, and equip members in the Word of God.
Ministry Leader: Bro. Larry Johnson
This ministry is responsible for matters of health relative to the members and worshippers of the church while they are on
church premises. This ministry ensures that the church is always properly equipped with necessary
health supplies in the event of an accident or illness. The ministry sponsors a health fair each year.
Additionally, the ministry will keep the membership informed on matters of public health issues and
citizenship responsibilities such as voter registration and participation in the election process, etc.
Ministry Leader: Sis. Cheryl Hayes
Ministry Leader: Bro. Charlie Chapman
Ministry Leader: Sis. Janie Chapman
Ministry Leader: Bro. Harry Keeler
Ministry Leader: Sis. Lillie Woods
Ministry/staff information is not yet available.